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behr paints bestsellers

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behr paints bestsellers

I always love seeing stats on paint sales... Obviously, neutrals are always going to lead the way on the retail level (unless we collectively decide we all need aubergine dining rooms in 2010), but even within neutrals, you can still identify interesting trends. I asked my contact at  Behr Paints to spill on what's selling in Canada, and here's the scoop... Bestselling Behr paint - SWISS COFFEE 1812 swisscoffee Most popular Behr trim - ULTRA PURE WHITE 1850 ultrapurewhite First runner up, bestselling Behr paint - GOBI DESERT 710-C gobidesert Second runner up, bestselling Behr paint - SANDSTONE COVE 730C-2 sandstonecove We're still very much addicted to beige, so it seems. Thoughts? Interesting to note, though, that each of these - with the exception of Ultra Pure White - come from the yellow-toned neutrals collection in Behr's palette. Follow Style Sleuth on  Twitter! Subscribe to Style Sleuth!


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Accessories & Furnishings

behr paints bestsellers