Photographer Tracey Ayton shares her tips for hosting an outdoor party in her newly renovated backyard.
Vancouver photographer Tracey Ayton took advantage of her newly revamped backyard and a perfect early summer afternoon to host a few design bloggers and decor enthusiasts. Here’s how she pulled together a blog-post-worthy party!
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11 tips for a backyard garden party
3 Display blooming plants
Placing a few blooming plants in inexpensive buckets around the backyard provides instant colour and texture. and using a variety like lavender also gives off a heavenly scent.
11 tips for a backyard garden party
4 A beautiful backyard
Organically shaped stepping stones lead guests to the beautiful backyard gathering, where they’re first greeted by the host’s friendly sidekick, Griffon, an English pointer.
11 tips for a backyard garden party
8 Add additional seating
An additional seating area, complete with plush toss cushions, a garden stool to hold drinks and a modern firepit, lends a cozy ambience to the party setting.
11 tips for a backyard garden party
11 Create a casual atmosphere
A large rustic table with a mix of metal and resin wicker chairs adds to the casual feel and is perfect for just a few friends or a multitude of guests.