From previous blog posts, you may have realized that sleek and sexy electronics are my forté. Little appeals to me more than a well-designed piece of technology, which is why
long, ugly, annoying cords make me scowl in disdain. The simplistic style of an iMac can be marred by the endless amount of devices hooked up to its back by extensive cords (I hook up a plethora of items − digital camera, iPhone, iPod, external hard drive, etc.). That's where
Bluelounge's Cableyoyo changed my tech world forever.

This handy little organizer
wraps the wires of your handheld devices around its little axle, ensuring your home and workspace are free of cord-clutter. An adhesive spindle means you can attach the yoyo to almost any surface and can be stacked on top of each other (this is ideal for my iMac cable commotion). Plus, you can file this one under 'Lauren's Tech-tastic Products For A Recession', because the Cableyoyo is only
$5 US or $14.50 US for a 3-pack.
Available at:
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