Buying Guides
custom photo projects at IndigoStudio

Buying Guides
custom photo projects at IndigoStudio
Digital cameras have allowed us to keep hundreds upon thousands of pictures, and if you're anything like me, these pictures are stored away on a hard drive, or, at most, posted on online photo-sharing accounts, like Facebook and Flickr. Allow me to introduce you to the newest innovation in the age of digital photography (and one I'm super excited about): IndigoStudio.
I was lucky enough to receive a personal preview of IndigoStudio, which is being rolled out in Indigo stores across Canada (as of now, it's in two GTA locations). It's seriously cool! In a matter of minutes, I was able to customize one of their products with pictures of a recent vacation to the east coast of Canada. I didn't have my camera's memory card or a usb stick with me, but was fortunately able to access my photos through my Facebook account. I selected the product I wanted to customize (a brag book, perfectly sized for purse or pocket), the pictures (or let auto-fill randomly select them for you) and...that's it! I sent the project to the printer. It was ready in just 45 minutes. Looks like my friends and family will be getting these personalized and professional-looking photo projects for all major gift-giving occasions - Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, Fridays. Products available to customize include collage and individual frames, greeting cards, calendars and brag books.
