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enviable designs

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Buying Guides

enviable designs

picture-201I`m one of those lucky people whose job it is to look at and write about pretty things all day long. Along my cyber travels, I find fab new products, beautiful photos and today, I`ve discovered a handful of interior designers, whose work is lovely and inspirational. Case in point: Enviable Designs is Victoria McKenney`s Vancouver-based interior design firm. With a tagline of "comfortable sophistication", her work seems to accomplish this effortlessly. I love these photos of some of her projects; there`s a richness and elegance to these spaces yet the rooms still look easy to live in. Victoria's bio says that her "personal style is an effortless blend of European classic with hints of modern and twists of traditional." Love it!

For more information, visit Enviable Designs. For more inspiration, check out our Decorating & Design section!


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Buying Guides

enviable designs